Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Training for fun or a way of life.

Training for fun or a way of life.

Whatever topic you choose to focus on in life and to push yourself into, it always requires time, effort and motivation. Life goals or even a hobby that you want to focus on will put you on a productive process of skill learning,  skill updating, mental journey of ups and downs, success as well as failures. 

Krav Maga or any tactical training  is no different.

Anyone who knows me knows that my professional life is divided into, SANSHOU and traditional wrestling on the one hand, tactical training and Krav Maga on the other hand.

These two do overlap with many things but they require attention in different areas. In both I get to meet different communities around the world. Within the professional combat sports community, in which each fighter takes on a project, builds a supportive and instructive training system, practices complementary strength and conditioning training, opens himself to new strategies and focuses on the fundamentals with endless repetition. On the other hand, the international Krav Maga community, where unfortunately it is rare to find a similar attitude. This community is made up of amateurs, security personnel, military operatives or people who have chosen tactical training and self defense as an essential part of their work or life often refer to technical training and knowledge without establishing the same work ethic and mindset as the professional combat sports community. Why shouldn't the Krav Maga community not strive to build a training system to optimize their skills sets in becoming more professional just like an elite athlete?

It is clear to me that after this paragraph many trainers from different organizations will claim differently, or will try to glorify themselves and their form of training. But honestly ..., I have been travelling around the world doing hundreds of seminars in the past 10 years, I've trained units in Israel and around the world, instructed security and CPOs teams at the highest levels and unfortunately I can count on one hand the "elite athlete" mindset fighters I have met over the years. 

The decision or choice for me to focus on Krav Maga or any tactical self defense training is an important, it is different than any other professional sports because here it is not a hobby or a competitive environment but a survivalist mindset that comes to build me physically and mentally for any threat that may arise on the street, it is not preparation for a MMA fight or a wrestling  Championship, it is a daily preparation for a reality where I can move around safer and more secure.

Just like anything focusing on Krav Maga requires professional physical and mental preparation. It requires an understanding and mindset that will maximize my body as well as my skills and I will never settle for the knowledge I have already acquired, never compromise and feel satisfied, never chasing rank or titles for my progress, but rather keep constantly seeking new goals and challenges. 

Putting politics aside, avoiding all nonsense I rather focus on a community that will empower me and teach me to not engage in anything that will stand in the way of my self-improvement and the sense of security of my immediate environment.

Here is my suggestion....for all of you that want to achieve and embrace this mindset . I am available to help where we can learn and develop together. Now is the time for tactical training to get out of the "compromising majority" and start bringing in more efficient and serious professionals ...because choosing the knowledge that will save me in real life situations is like taking the blue pill in the matrix . Once you've chosen it's time to sink, learn and develop.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Seminar instructor versus coach / mentor

Seminar instructor versus coach / mentor. Two roles I know very well and find myself juggling between them on a regular basis. On the surface these roles may seem to be the same but to truly understand them we need to look at the essence of each role.I recently came across a slogan of a teacher who calls himself a "coach on the road" (in a slightly different version, but because of my respect, I exchanged one of the words slogan).This person has not led a group of students in years overseeing their growth but rather working as an instructor in seminars.

To be a coach or mentor you have to be present in the students life where you need to have a deep understanding of their physical and emotional needs. You also have to make sure to conserve the group's energy even during your own personal trials and tribulations. We should also ensure that the group of students is able to feed and lift itself from the inside during hardships. The journey of the coach is accompany their students through the years where they will experience physical, mental as well as personal changes. As a coach we need to accept and understand when a student is busy and that they may not always be as focused, however a bridge should always be available with a open door making them feel welcome. Due to the coaches relationship with each student he will set a central goals and build sub-goals which will advance the team at the right pace rather than frustrating and stunting their progression.

The above is not reflected through my work as an instructor in seminars.During seminars you need to maintain a high work rate, you must understand that your job is to present a perception through work and hopefully this will be continued through quality training. You must maintain high energy, be very alert that you stop and help individual students but on the other hand do not let that disturb the rest of the seminar .... You need to understand that you are in front of people that only came to learn, experience and examine your professionalism.

In seminars you performing, you presenting your world and your professionalism as an expert instructor, you are not there as a coach / mentor, you are probably not their Sensei.  Even if I've met those students over the years, know their personal lives, been in their homes,  I'm not their Sensei, I'm not their coach. I can serve as a figure of inspiration, I can outline within my organization the basics of how and what is expected behaviour of a coach and a team leader, but you must not think that both roles are the same they don't mix.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ranks and belts in the tactical training and Krav maga world

Shabbat shalom to all... Just some thoughts for the weekend -
Ranks and belts in the tactical training and Krav maga world
Many times I come across a question about the existence of belts or levels in the IKF organization. And many times I have to explain that the world of belts in Krav Maga as I see it is fundamentally wrong. I understand the need for certain clubs or organizations to create a goal structure that will give trainees some kind of ambition during training. But here, in contrast to Jiu Jitsu, Shuai Jiao, Sanshou or any  traditional art , rank has no relevance.

For many years i found many organisations ranking people and eventhough its great to receive recognition from your instructors showing your progression, also feel that rankings can give people a false sense of security because it doesn't translate how you will react to a real life situation. Remember all techniques are in a controlled environment with very few variables. 

The training structure may not be linked to a particular syllabus; threats are something that varies from country to country and from culture to culture. In Israel for example defence against a knife threat, teaching of  environmental awareness and audience behavior , is completely different from the knife threat profile that can be found in Germany or England. The basics and fundamental are of course the same but the perception or nature of the attack varies and is very unique to each culture.
Just as ridiculous to me as a Krav Maga instructor who has never fought or coped with operational stress and changing terrain conditions will come and guide an operational unit, so too will the quest to advance in belts when you are stuck  to an organization's syllabus rather than training and learning  the reality that surrounds you and is relevant to your daily life.

I teach seminars and security units all over the world, and I am honored to teach  a large number of operative units in Israel, for each unit, for each country, a different seminar is built, as I said the same basis, but the reference point for issuing the protocol will be different. It is important to me to see the soldiers, security guards and civilians  understanding their relevant threats, and carrying out the protocols that are right for their role in life.

I don't see any need for belts in the Krav Maga world, and unfortunately I came across quite a few "experts" who showed poor coping ability when I put them into pressure practice.
Tactical training, self-defense is not a class, it is not a hobby, it is a mind set , an understanding that I must acquire for myself skills and tools for survival.  A black belt, a pink belt, a gold belt, or an "expert" rank do not really belong here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

#megamasters spam

I do not go into politics, I also try not to criticize colleagues. But the amount of nonsense on social networks and private messages in recent weeks has completely gone out of control.
People label themselves as military Krav maga instructors, demonstrating inventions under the guise of IDF protocols.

People put ranks of "expert", "master" and all kinds of nonsense that is irrelevant to the world of combative and tactical training . #idfkravmaga and all sorts of unclear forms that attempt to legitimize unreasonable technique without any point of understanding of the operational reality or the attacker profile on a self defense situations.

It is important to understand that the community of tactical instructors and lead Krav Maga instructors in Israel is not too big. And most of us know each other. Any kind of name-drop or uploading videos of a student or 2 with uniforms does not make an organization legitimate or relevant as part of that community.
All sorts of military hero slogans or stories do not make an organization a tactical knowledge sources with a real understanding of the changing daily environment.

Be real! Check your organization background and experience.choose to focus on what matters, with up-to-date knowledge, with quality guidance. What can you do with The "Expert" Degree Or with a rainbow color Belt On your Waist when The Knowledge You Have not come from a real update involving knowledge source.
Keep it safe
We are the IKF!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The world of Self-Defence and Tactical Combat is changing at a rate not seen in recent times.

The world of Self-Defence and Tactical Combat is changing at a rate never seen in recent times. Counter Terror Units update their protocols and techniques at least once a year. 

Even if you were the best Instructor in the best military unit of the world, a belt with all the colours of the rainbow, the title of Master, Expert, or Grand-master, in the end your knowledge as well as your working models have to be updated, and exams retaken because we need to take into account that the situations within this world are dynamic and ever evolving. A fighter, Police Officer or a Soldier that was active 10-15 years ago, no matter how competent they were back then, if they have not updated their knowledge by training with those who are actively involved today, then they will never be able to offer you the right tools to deal with the threats of today..

Law enforcement today faces completely different threats to a few years ago such as immigration, social media influences and exposure to violent content. This can also be applied to the military, politicians, and the confrontation with terrorist organisations has changed to cope with a single attacker with a high motivation level, under the influence of social media, is now attacking with a simple tool such as a knife, acid or improvised explosive device.

These changes require thinking and relentless construction of training programs, intelligence gathering and overlap between the areas of security, military and various law enforcement agencies. Protocols that we used a few years ago require refreshing and re-analysis.

Today's world is more exposed to lies and deceit than ever before. We asee to more and more Instructor’s and Organisational leaders that exaggerate, sometimes just simply lie about their credentials, projects, security companies they have worked for and their roles within them. Sadly, many Instructors are selling security courses without a relevant work background and knowledge/experience.  Their certificates are next to worthless in the workplace. It is important to remember that the world of Tactical Combatives and Self-Defence are different from the World of Martial Arts. 

Incorrect training with techniques learned from watching edited Youtube videos, protocols that are not tested under real stress conditions, learning security models from Instructors who do not have the background or understanding of operational stress will result in a much worse outcome for the student than a loss on a Martial Arts mat.
This is how the IKF is leading the way in Security Training.  Our Instructors are involved in training active military and law enforcement units on a weekly basis. You can be assured that these protocols and techniques are relevant to today’s threat and are all field tested. 

Our Professional training, like Close Protection Officer Courses, are independently regulated and certificated by the SIA

find more about our  activities at- WWW.IKFCQB.COM


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Difference between a self defence / Krav Maga instructor and a Tactical Instructor / CQB

What's the difference between a self defence / Krav Maga instructor and a Tactical Instructor / CQB?

During my work around the world I've seen this question come up a lot.
The question that should be asked is:
What makes a instructor to be qualified as a Tactical Instructor?  
Can any Krav Maga or KAPAP instructor contribute to a operational unit, combat or security teams? It is important to understand that the difference here is so fundamental that it is absurd that these two roles are mixed up.

A self defence instructor who comes from a civilian Krav Maga school, where they have come from the need and desire to defend themselves as well as those around them must assimilate an understanding that their personal security and the ability to avoid an event that endangers themselves is the main goal with the understanding that all means within the law are legitimate. 
Another aim for the self defence instructor is teaching how to identify conflict with methods in preventing escalation or if necessary to apply some sort of physical intervention that will enable safe control or evacuating themselves from the danger. 

The tactical instructor on the other hand will also focus on personal safety and self defence at first, but then we will advance into many other areas. we will also execute our program by identifying info about the team and the mission background-

What is the mission and who/what are we working against?

Who is the main "security object", and what enforcements authority we have?

Whether the mission is a routine security task or whether the task is an offensive task?

What will be our task time line?

What are the physical, and armed skills of the team?

What is the gear we aloud to have?

Where the task will take place and what are the main external factors that we need to consider?

As a tactical instructor we have to pay attention and be aware of the mission Schedule,  operational pressure and the communication within the team.. 

Minimalism and teamwork as a key points-
There are dozens of videos on the web that show individual room clearing techniques, security guards operating as a combat team without evacuating the VIP, security guards that instantly become a SWAT team and so on.... 

People should rather educate themselves how to operate quietly as a team, protect the security object as a priority, weapons control and maintaining smooth communication within their team. Anything else is just an unnecessary videos o of amateur weapon games. 

In conclusion as a self defence instructor, you need the students to focus on their personal security as well as the ability to avoid unnecessary conflicts and when possible to get safety as soon as possible, while as a tactical instructor our primary focus from the get go is the nature of the task at hand. I teach and provide simple protocols that works in environments with operational stress and clear timetables.

Teach what you qualified to do, don't put operatives at risk by sharing unbased knowledge which hasn't been field tested.
Stay safe!

for information about our upcoming events - www.ikfcqb.com