Tuesday, August 20, 2019

#megamasters spam

I do not go into politics, I also try not to criticize colleagues. But the amount of nonsense on social networks and private messages in recent weeks has completely gone out of control.
People label themselves as military Krav maga instructors, demonstrating inventions under the guise of IDF protocols.

People put ranks of "expert", "master" and all kinds of nonsense that is irrelevant to the world of combative and tactical training . #idfkravmaga and all sorts of unclear forms that attempt to legitimize unreasonable technique without any point of understanding of the operational reality or the attacker profile on a self defense situations.

It is important to understand that the community of tactical instructors and lead Krav Maga instructors in Israel is not too big. And most of us know each other. Any kind of name-drop or uploading videos of a student or 2 with uniforms does not make an organization legitimate or relevant as part of that community.
All sorts of military hero slogans or stories do not make an organization a tactical knowledge sources with a real understanding of the changing daily environment.

Be real! Check your organization background and experience.choose to focus on what matters, with up-to-date knowledge, with quality guidance. What can you do with The "Expert" Degree Or with a rainbow color Belt On your Waist when The Knowledge You Have not come from a real update involving knowledge source.
Keep it safe
We are the IKF!