Friday, January 13, 2023

The privilege and responsibility of being a teacher!

As the new year of 2023 begins, it is important for individuals in all professions to strive for precision in their work. However, for those in the teaching profession, this need for precision is especially crucial. As a teacher, one is not only responsible for imparting knowledge and skills to students, but also for being a role model and providing guidance. As Aristotle said, "The ultimate aim of the other arts is pleasure, but the ultimate aim of philosophy is the knowledge and contemplation of truth." Teaching is not just about sharing information but also about leading the student towards the truth and that is a great privilege.
To be a teacher is to give service, and this requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter, but also the ability to test oneself and one's knowledge in order to give authenticity, example, and experience. This is particularly true for teachers who work with different fields, such as MMA athletes, wrestlers, and those in the military or law enforcement. The ability to make knowledge and training programs accessible to each individual project is vital for success in this role. As General George S. Patton said, "Experience taught me that in war the human factor cannot be disregarded." A teacher should be able to draw from their own experiences to provide a well-rounded education.
Experience, training, and persistence are key to being a successful teacher. Hours spent on the mat, teaching different subjects using different methods, and practicing oneself are all necessary to produce quality work. Relevant operational, competitive, and therapeutic experience cannot be bought. Degrees, certificates, are not a substitute for the real-world knowledge and experience that one can gain through hard work and dedication. As Confucius said, "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." A teacher should be humble enough to recognize their own limitations and strive to improve their understanding.

As a teacher, it is important to have a commitment to providing the most accurate solutions, and an ego that allows one to examine mistakes and adapt to different populations on the entire physical or objective spectrum. This is the real work of a teacher. Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military strategist and author of "The Art of War," said, "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." A good teacher should be able to guide their students towards their own understanding and not impose their own beliefs.
I despise ego in coaches or teachers, who entrench themselves in a position just to avoid real learning or research. This year, I wish to be precise and like a samurai, knowing how to give the best service from a place of modesty and a desire to teach. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Teaching is not just a job, it's a privilege and a duty to serve the future generation.

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